Enabling Email & SMS Notifications

Missing out on class reminders, waitlist notifications and feel good offers?

Get the good stuff and sign up for email and SMS notifications to stay in the loop always!

To update your preferences, follow the below steps:

  1. Log into your account by clicking the button below:

2. Once you are logged into your account, click on your profile to view the ‘Account Info’ screen.

3. Once you are on the ‘Account Info’ screen, scroll down until you reach the ‘What do you want to hear about?’ section. See screenshot below.

4. Tick each of the Email and Text boxes for Account Management, Schedule Updates, News & Promo as per the screenshot below.

Now you’ll receive notifications!

At Feel Good Pilates, we always ensure you receive relevant useful information from all of our communication channels. You can always update your communication preferences at any time following the steps above.